Friday, February 19, 2010

Seaport Village

This morning we dropped my parents off at the airport. Now I should have learned from our last experience of dropping people off at the airport and take a camera with us. However, I clearly forgot sorry no pictures.

After the airport we originally planned to go to Sea World, but Peter forgot a hat and sunblock and although it was a very overcast day, Peter easily gets sunburnt, so we decided not to take the chance. We headed to Seaport village which is right on the bay and is full of cool shops. There's a kite shop, toy shops, candle shops, several Hawaiian shops, apparel of all sorts, a hammock shop, wind chimes and flags, basically you name it they probably have a shop of it. We walked into one called The Little Viking that had a bunch of Scandinavian things. Peter's favorite was Captain's Cove, it was a cool pirate shop.

After Seaport Village we stopped at Fashion Valley Mall. We visited the Container Store, ate lunch at a Japanese place in the food court, picked up cinnamon pretzel bits from Wetzle's and then topped it all off with two slices of cheesecake at the famous Cheesecake Factory. We've been nibbling on the cheesecake as they are seriously rich. They're going to last a few days for sure. We bought a raspberry lemon cream one and a chocolate tuxedo one. Oh so yummy!


Kira said...

what a fun day!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

I wouldn't go to Sea World without my sunscreen either!

Ellen said...

I LOVE SEAPORT VILLAGE! the pirate shop is DEFINITELY one of my favourites! so jealous of all your adventures, can't wait to take ethan to seaworld or the zoo!