Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day

Valentines Day started yesterday as we were out shopping. We walked by all these Valentine cards. Peter picked one up with a puppy on the front and it says "I woof you." He exclaims that this valentine is perfect for me. I agree and then was like "you're really awful at keeping surprises from me." Our conversation for most of the time shopping went a little like this:
P-Well it's hard to keep it a secret while shopping with you.
M-You could've conveniently picked it up without telling me about it and just told me not to look at it.
P-You still would've known what it was.
M-Yes I would've known it was a valentine, but I wouldn't know what was on it.
We continue shopping a bit and later on as I'm looking in one department he says, "I have to go get something, I'll be right back."
P-Don't look in the cart.
M-I woof you too. :)
P-Oh man
We finish our shopping and head home.
Later in the evening we are at my parents' home. Getting ready to watch a movie.
P-I need to run an errand, I'll be right back.
He returns much faster than I was anticipating.
M-That was fast...Where did you go?
(For those outside of CA, Vons is a grocery store...It is always open, and they sell flowers...Peter always buys me flowers from Vons.)
I'm chuckling at this point.
M-hmm I wonder what you got. (Yes I was giving him a hard time...but wait it gets better)
P-It's hard to keep secrets from you.
M-Well you could just lie a little about your whereabouts...then I wouldn't know what you did. So let's try this again. Where did you go?
P-Umm to get the windshield wipers cleaned.
M-Really, what place is open at 10pm?
(laughing a lot here)
Well there you have it I married an honest to goodness good guy!

This morning he let me sleep in, then made abelskivers. My flowers looked pretty on the table, along with the I woof you card. I had picked up a card for him a week ago and it had two puppies on it. We woof each other :)


Kira said...

I just love Peter!!!!

Lisa said...

How sweet! :)

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Haha, how funny! I love how he tried to do what you said about surprising you after but still didn't really get how to hide it from you haha!
P.S. I wish they had a Vons in Utah :(

Rebecca Fallentine said...


Fred ... said...

It is tough to surprise Lisa too. Your card really suits you, Peter did a good job on that.