Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Results Are In!!!!

Looks like we won't be buying any cute frilly dresses. There's no doubt about it, we're having a Boy!

I knew before we were told. The picture on the screen was so obvious. Here's a few of the snapshots. This one is a 4-D one of the face. The big blob on the right side is the placenta. He is using it as a pillow.
Here's a profile of his face.

Here's one of the legs

and a foot
and don't forget the most important part...this is a rear view, the two things on the sides are his legs and well the obvious part is in the middle with an arrow pointing to it.
Peter's response: "Yes now we can buy planes, trains, buses, dump trucks, he can play with my legos and we can build pirate ships, space ships, we can play pirates and cowboys..." Yes he is thrilled! We are both thrilled to know that Little Squirt is actually an appropriate name for our little bundle.

While watching the screen we could see that he is super wiggly. He kept on turning over and hiding from us, and then shortly thereafter would flip back over. Lately I've been feeling the little butterflies which is so weird.


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

AHHH SO EXCITING :)!!!!! Congrats you two!

Gretchen said...

CONGRATS!!!! We are so happy for you!!!

Rick and Christie Farnsworth said...

Yea for little boys!!!

Lisa said...

Yay!!!! We are sooooo excited for you!!!!

Fred ... said...

Mandykins is having a baby boy! How exciting. We'll have to have a girl next time. For now I guess I'll come over and play lego's with "Little Squirt" and Peter.

Stephen John McCuen said...

Congrats! That's so exciting! Ica' wait to see what he looks like!

Kira said...

I knew it I knew it I knew it!!!
You are going to love having a boy!!

Lindsay said...

How fun! We love little boys at our house -- I'm sure you will, too. :) Peter's right -- boys get super cool toys to play with. :)