Saturday, March 19, 2011

Yummy Green Beans!

Day one of rice cereal was a near success. Day two and so forth were complete successes. Connor loves rice cereal. Our pediatrician suggested we introduce cereal and then veggies a week at a time. It has been almost two weeks on cereal so we decided to try pureed veggies. This week's experiment-Green Beans. Here's the video...I wasn't expecting him to like it, so I didn't put much in the bowl...he apparently loved it and was mad when I ran out.

We also had tummy time earlier today.
Tummy time lasted all of about 3 minutes and then Connor rolled over. We put him back on his tummy and he rolled over again.


Gretchen said...

Love the video!!! He is adorable!!!

Lisa said...

Loved the video and the pictures. He's a boy after my own heart...I LOVE green beans also :)