Friday, April 29, 2011


So here's Connor's Easter basket. He loves the simple board books and the bunny finger puppet. Mommy is going to help out by eating the candy stick :)
Sunday was a busy day. We woke up, checked out what the Easter Bunny brought us and then got ready for church. After church, we came home briefly and then went to my parents' house for an early dinner. Afterward we had dinner at Peter's parents' house. We came home stuffed and exhausted. Perhaps next year Connor will get a thrill out of finding eggs and such.
Connor has been enjoying tummy time lately.
These last three pictures are from this past week.
You know the old saying "I can smell ____ a mile away." Well it's true for Peter. For Easter we brought potatoes and green beans to my parents' house and rolls and pie to his parents' house. When we got home from my parents' house we threw the rolls in the oven and cooked them. Peter put them in a basket and as we were heading out the door he says, "Do you want to take the rolls or the baby to the car?" I said, I'd rather take the rolls as they're not as heavy. So we get in the car and drive literally a mile or two and Peter says, "MMM the rolls smell good." My response- "Oh no! I left the rolls on the table!!!" This was followed with me busting into laughter. "Uh how do you smell the rolls, when I forgot to bring them?" Apparently Peter can smell rolls a mile away.


Kira said...

I just laughed and laughed about Peter smelling the rolls!!! Good nose Peter!

Fred ... said...

I can smell rolls just reading about them. Now I'm hungry.