Sunday, June 26, 2011

Peek a Boo!

Connor is on the go...well sort of. He's in the midst of learning how to crawl, so far he goes backwards. He can get up on all four and rock back and forth too. We put him in front of our closet (mirrored doors) and he pushed himself backwards until we could just see his head sticking out of my closet.
Playing in Mommy's closet
Hello there
Peek a boo
For lunch today Peter thought Connor would like some pieces of cut up banana. He has had mashed bananas, but not cut up pieces. He had no clue that he was supposed to put them in his mouth. He had six pieces and four of them made their way to the floor while the remaining two pieces got mashed between his fingers and then put back on the tray.
Laughing at Daddy
We recently found a new way to entertain Connor. Here he is laughing at his Daddy. Daddy is jumping up and down in the background saying Boo.


Lindsay said...

I love baby laughs! So contagious! :)

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Oh he has such a sweet giggle :)

Kira said...

sooo stinkin cute!

Lisa said...

He is soooo adorable!