Saturday, June 21, 2008

Peter's side of the story

It's time for me to defend my honor. That spider was really big, it was arguably not a bug, it was wildlife! When it's on you it seems even bigger. There are lots of people given the same circumstances who would've done an even grander spider dance. That is all.


Rebecca Fallentine said...

You guys are hilarious! I loved your spider dance blog, very funny!
I hope you are having a great summer!

Lindsay said...

Way to defend yourself, Peter. Though I have to say, Mandy's description of your spider dance sounds pretty on the button. I love it!

And is this the Rebecca Fallentine that I used to sit next to in Rich Kimball's US history class at BYU? If so, hi Rebecca! It's Lindsay, the blond girl who sat next to you all those years ago.

melissa @ 1lbr said...

I would have done a good dance. But, let's be honest - Peter's would still have been much more humorous. I probably would have had more screaming though. Wish you had this on video...