Friday, October 22, 2010

Another ultrasound

Okay I swear these ultrasound pictures get harder and harder to understand. It was so easy when Squirt was so small, all the parts were easily identifiable. Now it's hard to figure out what you're looking at. Today the lady doing the ultrasound had to point to everything for us to understand what we were looking at. The only things that were obvious were the heart and the head/brain. In one image we could see Squirt taking practice breaths, that was pretty cool. For the most part he was asleep, she couldn't get him to move around much and he had a good and steady heart rate. She had a really hard time of getting a good picture of the face, the umbilical cord was floating in front of his face. She tried doing a 3D scan and all we could identify were the lips, oh well, he'll be here soon enough. So this picture it looks like he's pushed up against a glass window. You can see the nose and nostrils, the lips and the chin. The bubble like stuff around to the right is the cord. The second picture is more of a profile picture, the mouth is open and his tongue is sticking out a little. (She had to point this out to us as we couldn't see it.)
So the stats that we were told are he's growing-his head measures in around 39 weeks, the rest of his body measures around 38 weeks and he weighs approximately 7 lbs and 9 oz.

After the ultrasound we went to the labor and delivery department for the non stress test. Squirt's heart rate was steady...he was sleeping. He wiggled a bit in the beginning and then again in the end as they were taking the monitors off of me. I also had a contraction and didn't feel a thing. As they were hooking me up to the monitors the first thing to show up was a contraction so they told me to push on the top of my belly to see how hard it was. When the contraction was over the belly was soft again. That was pretty cool.

Another funny story-Yesterday at work we had a snake man come and give a presentation to our students. He raises harmless snakes and sells them. He came to our school last year and the kids loved it, so we asked him to come again this year. While he was in our class he brought an egg as he had several eggs hatch recently. One of the students asked the guy how he knew the snake was pregnant. The guy's reply: "Well it's just like how you know a human is pregnant, they get fat, move slower and eat more." The kids were laughing and someone made the comment of that's just like my teacher. Then the guy saw me in the back and he got all red in the face and was just stumbling over his words. He apologized profusely. At the end he came up to me and asked if I forgave him, I told him everything he said was true and I didn't take offense to it, I found it funny too.


Lisa said...

It is hard to see as those babies get bigger and more crowded in their space. The snake man story was hilarious!

Fred ... said...

Fat, slow and eat more. That sounds about right. I don't think you're fat though, you just have a huge belly. Maybe I'll bring Tom to your class.

Kira said...

wow that took me a long time to figure out the ultrasound even with your description ... but I did finally figure it out.

I am getting so freakin excited!!!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

I think I can see funny he is sticking his tongue out at you guys! haha :)