Sunday, October 17, 2010

"Did I really want to know that?" - Peter

Friday Peter came with me to my doctor appointment. Peter had the day off of work and I had told him that they are doing different things now. I guess I got him excited so he really wanted to come with me. We went into the ultrasound room where the doctor checked the fluid levels around the baby. She made the comment that there was a lot of fluid around the baby which was part amniotic and part baby pee. She went on to say that when I'm well hydrated, the baby is well hydrated and pees a lot. This got Peter's curiosity going. He asks, "Where does the pee go?" At this point I'm like, "You don't want to know the answer to that question." The doctor then says, "Well the baby eats it." This is followed by Peter pulling a sour face. The doctor then goes on to explain the whole process, meanwhile Peter is beside himself totally grossing out. I then had to add my two cents, "Well you know the baby poops too don't you?" I was trying hard not to laugh. My doctor sure did get a good laugh though. Then Peter says, "It's okay to tell me lies, I really don't need to know the truth." I explain to the doctor that my hubby is just a tad squeamish.

From here we went into the next room. I got to relax in a lazy boy with monitors strapped to my belly for a good 20-30 minutes. Every time I go in now I get to relax with monitors strapped to me. Basically the monitors check the baby's heart rate as well as contractions. I have a little button I push whenever I feel any movement.

This Friday I have an appointment at the hospital for the last detailed ultrasound to determine the weight and such. From there I expect they'll set up a date to induce if I don't go into labor on my own....I'm 37 weeks now...our little squirt is almost here.


Fred ... said...

I'm getting soooo excited.

Lisa said...

Soooooo exciting!!!! I could totally visualize Peter's face ha!ha! I've seen it before so that helped :)

Kira said...

I'm soo excited I could pee!! But I'm not going to eat it :-) CANNOT WAIT TO SEE SQUIRT!!!!!!!

Karina said...

Oh, that is soo funny! Peter cracks me up. Pregnancy is a little weird if you really think about how everything works. I can't wait for you to see your baby boy!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

OH MY GOSH! hahaha That is hilarious!