Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Surprise Baby Shower!

Today my co-workers threw me a surprise baby shower and boy it sure was a surprise to me! My boss nearly ruined it earlier in the day, but luckily I was so oblivious that I didn’t notice a thing. All morning long everyone did their best to hide presents in the little office. They got to work before me and conveniently took their gifts to the office and I never saw a thing. Then people went out and got a cake and balloons and again I didn’t see a thing. Then I had a meeting with my boss today at 12:30. There was someone in her office so she took me to the little office and was surprised that the door was locked. She unlocked the door and told me to go in. It was dark in there so I didn’t see anything. She told me to take a seat and then turned on the light. At that moment she saw all the gifts behind me (which I of course didn’t notice) and told me “oh shoot there’s financial stuff all out, we have to go somewhere else.” I get up and walk out and was completely oblivious to the whole thing. We had our meeting in her office and then I went back to class. After school on Wednesdays we always have staff meetings, so I went and got my snack from my classroom and was the last one into the meeting. When I got to the door it was shut, which was weird because the last person always shuts the door and I guess I was the last one today. I opened the door and they all shout “SURPRISE!!!!” I was shocked! There were blue and green balloons everywhere. All of the white boards said, “Congrats Mandy, or It’s a Boy!” Hanging from the ceiling on yarn were several diapers held up with clothespins. It was super cute. There was food on the table and a large stack of presents in a corner next to a special comfy chair with a ribbon and balloons on it for me. It was pretty awesome! I’ve never been surprised like that before!

We ate turkey roll things from Costco, veggies and dip. Then I opened presents and then we had this super yummy cake. I was just a tad naughty and had a really tiny piece of the cake, but I didn’t eat the marzipan on top, since that is basically pure sugar. It was really good.

The running theme was Winnie the Pooh (my co-workers know me well). One girl gave me this giant pooh trick or treat bag with a pooh plush and a bunch of clothes inside it. Everyone said I’ll have to take a picture of the baby inside the pooh bag propped up so he sticks out. When he’s older he’ll have the biggest trick or treat bag ever.

One of the funniest gifts I received is called “Pee-pee Teepee for the sprinkling wee-wee.” I had never heard of these before but seriously is probably a super smart invention for baby boys.

Some books

And here's a bump picture for those that really wanted to see it.


Fred ... said...

How fun. That's amazing that you sat in the small office with all your presents and didn't see a thing. Your boss was lucky.

Lisa said...

Mandy, how fun!!! You look great and the baby bump is cute :)

Kira said...

I can totally see you being completely oblivious to the party .... HOW FUN!!!!

I can't believe you are so close!!! You bump is getting pretty big now my dear :-)

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Love the bump. Thanks for showing it!

Ellen said...

wow mandy - after looking at all your pics you are set for the next 2 babies!! ;-D talk about stash!!

love that bump xx