Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Two Month Check-Up

Monday Connor had his two month check-up and got six vaccinations. Four were shots (one shot had two vaccines in it) and one was a liquid he swallowed. The nurse had me hold him while the liquid was given. At first he wasn't terribly happy as the liquid was very cold, but he got over that quickly and started sucking it down. When it was gone he got very upset as he wanted more. The nurse then had me put him down on a table so she could give the shots in his thighs. This was directly after the liquid so while he was mad that the liquid was gone he turned bright red. The nurse was worried at first that this might be a reaction to the vaccine and then realized that he was mad, so she continued. He took the first shot and screamed and as the other shots were given he cried and when it was all done he got two sparkly bandages and then calmed down. He was quiet by the time he was dressed and buckled back into his car seat. He then fell asleep during our five minute drive home. He was a great trooper!
His two month stats are: Head is 15 1/4 inches, he weighs 9 lbs 14 oz. and he's 24 inches long. Or as the doctor puts it, Connor is long and lean.

Monday afternoon Connor was very good. Then around 6:30 he was so fussy it was really hard to calm him down. He finally went back to sleep and slept until midnight, then back to bed around 1am after eating. We both were back awake at 5:30am. We had a ton of fun doing this:
I love his big open mouth smiles...they are always followed by squeals, which are just so darn cute!


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

He is so darn cute :)!

Lisa said...

He really is so darn cute! I love those smiley pictures :)

Kira said...

long and lean???? That doesn't sound right :-) What adorable smiles!!