Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Time Adventures

Here are some fun pictures from this past week.
We went to the little playground in our complex. It's still a little big for Connor, but he had fun playing with the wood chips, climbing the slide (with help), playing tic tac toe, and hanging on the bars.
It was a great outing, but a bit cooler than I was expecting. So yes he's wearing shorts with a jacket.
Christmas day we woke up and it was relatively a normal Sunday for us. Went to church at 10, came home at 11:30ish, changed clothes and headed to my parents' house to celebrate Christmas. While there, Connor enjoyed playing in the yard until...
His binky dropped on the ground and was all grassy and dirty, so daddy took it away to clean it. Connor was not thrilled to be losing his binky for a few seconds.
He was also in desperate need of a nap, which he took finally around 2 and slept through the opening of presents and stockings. Around 5 we woke him up and headed over to the O's to celebrate Christmas with them. Connor played with Calvin's toys while the nieces helped open Connor's presents (maybe next year he'll be into opening his own presents).

Some of the presents we gave each other were: Mandy to Peter-Thomas Brothers Maps of San Diego, My parents to me-A new GPS :) Connor to Daddy-Harry Potter Lego video game, Connor to Mommy-Same Harry Potter video game (apparently he forgot he already got one). Amongst many other things, these seemed the funniest and the most appropriate given the previous post of us getting lost on the way to a Christmas party.

After all the gifts were open, Peter says, "Wait there's one more for Mandy."
Chris says, "Oh you mean the bear?"
Peter-"Well thanks for telling her."
Mary-"Don't worry he (Chris) blew the gift that Amy got for me too."

Peter walks out with this GIANT teddy bear. We had seen these at Costco several months back. I didn't have a bear that big, but didn't think we could fit it in our place. Peter went back and bought one and it had been hiding at his parents' house in a trash bag for the past 6 months. This is how we got it home.
I love it! Connor loves it too! He hugs it frequently. It'll be the snug up to and read a book bear.
Yesterday we took family photos at Old Poway Park. While waiting for everyone to show up I snapped a couple of my boys.
After the park we took another nap and then headed back over to the O's. Connor really enjoys playing with the blocks and this shape sorter cube. He tried really hard to fit the blocks into the different shapes. When he realized they didn't fit, he walked away. Great grandma said, "Proof of great intelligence, once you've shown the blocks won't go down the hole, then you're done."


Lisa said...

Love the pictures and so glad you came by the other night. Enjoy Florida!

Kira said...

um ... you're right ... that bear is MASSIVE!!!!!!! So jealous that you are in my own heaven!