Monday, December 12, 2011

What we've been up to lately/Milestones

Two weekends ago we went to Balboa Park's December Nights. We went with cousins and family visiting from Utah. It was super crowded as usual, but all the museums were free, so that made up for the crowds. Connor enjoyed piloting/eating an airplane.
Peter put together a makeshift changing station inside the stroller. He thought Connor needed the privacy while being changed. We all thought it looked like he was delivering a baby. Connor thought it was hilarious!
Sunday we got out our Christmas tree and started decorating it. Connor helped too. He would pull an ornament out of the box, turn around and give it to daddy who would put it on the tree. At one point we sat down and he went up to the box, picked out an ornament and tried to hang it on the tree himself. It was super cute.
He liked the view from the top too.
Cookies and milk anyone?
Then this weekend we went to Sea World for their Christmas Celebration. Connor was not fond of the animal show (a pig-Hammie, pushed a lever that sent water out at the crowd. It caught Connor by surprise and he cried the rest of the show. He's not fond of surprises.). Connor loved the penguins, sharks, fish, and sea turtles. We could've spent all day watching the penguins. We also visited the winter wonderland part. Connor walked on the snow a little bit, but after about five minutes he was done.
On our way home from Sea World we stopped by the Temple to see their Christmas lights. Connor is absolutely mesmerized by Christmas lights. There were giant balls of lights in the trees above us.
As for other news....Connor has hit another milestone....He's walking!
At 12 months he started taking steps. Roughly 3-5 at a time, fall down, get back up and repeat. When we went to Utah for Thanksgiving he amazed us by taking about 10 steps at a time. Now at 13 months he pretty much walks everywhere. Here's a short video that we caught this evening. It's hard for him to show off his moves in our house since it doesn't take that many steps to get from point a to point b.


Lisa said...

How fun! He was so close to walking when you were here the last time. I love the picture of both of you looking up at the Temple lights.

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

:) Loved these pictures! Your tree looks beautiful, and it looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

Lindsay said...

Yay! Two legs! As you're probably noticing, it's a whole new ball game once they start walking. Fun, of course, but it'll keep everyone on their toes at least until his world at that level isn't as new. :)