Sunday, December 25, 2011

Santa Claus

Last night we went to look at the luminaries in Westwood. It was about an hour past Connor's bedtime and he was already super exhausted, but with a bottle in hand we decided he might be up for it. We drove down a couple of streets and oohed and aahed at the lights on the homes. The luminaries were out of sight to him, but Peter and I enjoyed them. We came up to one street that was totally decked out. There was Santa Claus outside handing out cookies to the cars and people walking by. He comes up to our car and Peter rolls down the windows. He says "ho ho ho, would you like a cookie?" Connor completely flips out, screaming, yelling, huge tears stream down his face. Peter says, "The only other time I've heard him scream like that was when he was getting shots at the doctor's office." Hopefully we haven't scarred our kid. We decided that our trip was done and Connor continued to scream and cry the whole way home. I guess it was a good thing we didn't decide to go see Santa at the mall this year.....the cookie was good though.

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