Sunday, July 7, 2013

HOA joys, Super Connor and the Island

 Yesterday we got the following letter in the mail from our HOA with the Condo.  "It was noted on a recent property inspection that there is a blue umbrella that must be changed to a neutral color.  You may not be aware that this is in non-compliance with your Association's governing documents."  Seriously????!!!  Oh dear, not a blue umbrella!  Don't the HOA people have more important things to do than go snooping around people's balconies...sheesh!  Peter wrote an email to our property manager telling him how stupid the rule is, but unfortunately the umbrella has to be removed or else we get charged penalties for the non-compliance.

 This morning Connor decided to be Super Connor and run around the house with his super cape on.  He now insists that all showers be followed up with a super towel.
Friday morning we ran to the granite place to order granite for the island and the corner cabinet that will house the trash and recycling cans.  When asked when we wanted it installed, we said we were ready anytime.  The lady then says, "How about today?"  So Friday we ordered, and had the granite installed.  I love the island.  This week Frank will be by to do the little back splash and finish the island and hopefully finish the stairs as well.  He took this weekend off as his daughter and grandson were in town.
Saturday we went and ordered the carpet.  My mom has been working on the upstairs linen closet which is almost complete.  Peter bought some supplies to put in closet organizers.  Next on our list of to do is to order baseboards and paint them, finish the stairs, paint and stain the stair railings and then install the carpet.  Things are coming along nicely.

1 comment:

Kira said...

love all of these posts!!! so I'm just posting about all of them on this one.