Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tile has started/Connorisms

This weekend Frank tackled the stairs. 
 Look at the detail that he added to the trim.
 This is what it currently looks like without the handrails and spindles.  We'll leave those off and install carpet and move furniture without worrying about avoiding them.  Then we'll put them back in.  The trim on the stairs will be painted white before carpet is installed.
 So on Saturday Frank told us we had to make up our mind about tile.  We had a ton of samples and differing opinions of what we wanted.  Peter wanted something that would hide dirt easily and looked like stone.  I wanted something that didn't look dirty and was quite basic.  We finally agreed upon a tile and Peter and my dad went out and bought several boxes of that tile knowing that Frank wanted to tile the entryway.  Sunday morning rolls around and Frank shows up with a box of tile.  He tried calling Peter but Peter's phone wasn't on him.  Frank opens his box up and we take a look at the tile...we loved it!  I don't know how we missed this one-we had like one of everything that Home Depot carries.  Long story short, we head off to church, Frank picks up every box of tile that was in stock and starts working on the entryway.
 We came home from church and opened the doors to our bedroom and you could see dust in the air.  Oh bummer!  They had to grind the floor to prepare for the tiles.  What a mess!  We cleaned the room, washed sheets, vacuumed and dusted everything.  There's still a pretty thick layer of dust all over everything in the living room, but I'm not cleaning that up until all the dust making is done.  They still have to grind up the floor in the kitchen area and the downstairs bathroom = More mess!
 There's a light at the end of the tunnel though.  Do I realistically think it will be done before the baby arrives?  Let's just say time is running out and I'm trying not to be pessimistic.  It's also really hard to nest when everything is covered in dust.

Connor's vocabulary has really taken off.  He's like the energizer bunny now.  I understand 85-90% of what he says.  A couple days ago daddy made this trash truck for Connor, he plays with it nonstop.  Today we watched the trash truck pick up our cans, then promptly went in to play with our trash truck.  Here's a cute video from this evening.

A little while back people started asking me if Connor was aware that he was getting a little sister.  At the time I said I didn't think he understood.  The last few weeks as he gives me a hug and kiss goodnight, he also hugs and kisses my belly.  As of this morning I know he understands.
"Chloe moving in there."
Is she going to be your little sister?  "No, baby."  Oh she's going to be your baby sister.  "mmmm."
Are you feeling for her?  "With one hand."
"Chloe big move!"
"Move again Chloe, up here."  She responded.  "Woah Chloe move again."
When daddy got home from work today he asked Connor where Chloe was.  "In mommy."

Yes he understands.

1 comment:

Kira said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE CONNOR!!!! The tile is very nice too :-)