Saturday, August 24, 2013

Still Waiting...

Here are a couple cute Connorisms from this week:

A package of sample formula arrived in the mail.  It had a picture of a duck on the front.  Connor-"There are ducks in my can."

"Mommy run your baby out."-Doctor said to do some power walking to aid in setting off labor.  "Mommy we go power walking and get your baby out."

"I go to the store with daddy and get some food."
A little later on..."I go to the store with daddy and get a doughnut and some food."
Unfortunately he was a bit naughty at the store, so he didn't get a doughnut.  We told him he could try again next time.  "I'm going bonkers!"  Yes, that's why you don't get a doughnut.

So this week while trying to walk a baby out, stay cool, rest and keep the swelling down-I practiced squatting in the garden.  Yesterday we plucked this bounty
We steamed the green beans for dinner and are enjoying the little yellow and orange peppers as a snack.  The yellow lemon cucumbers are something I don't need to plant next year.  They were an experiment and while they taste good, the skin is very thick and they have a ton of seeds.  So you have to peel the skin and cut the seeds out and then you have very little cucumber left to eat.  Connor enjoys eating the yellow and orange cherry tomatoes...he was swiping a few as I took the picture.

Our mini watermelons are small yet they don't look like 6 pounds so we're not sure if they're ready or not.  We planted more zucchini plants in hope for a late harvest.  Our zucchini plants this year gave us 4 zucchinis and then died all of a sudden.  Not sure what happened there, we're trying more water now.  We also planted some from seed, so we'll see if anything fruits before it gets too cold.  We tend to stay pretty hot until the end of October, so I'm hopeful.
Here are some purple peppers that are almost ready
 I spy 6 watermelons in this picture.  4 are the darker variety and they look identical, 2 are the color of the ones you buy at the store.  Though one of the two is almost completely covered by the plant. 

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