Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Too Cute!

Connor's vocabulary has exploded!  This kid doesn't say words, he says complete thoughts and sentences and some of it is quite hilarious.

*While sitting on the patio with a lot of chalk drawings of trash trucks he says, "I need a wo-man, daddy you daw me a wo-man?"  Daddy sits confused, "did he just say what I think he said?"  "It sounded like that to me too."  Connor tries again, "Daddy, I need a wo-man for my tash tucks."  Me-"he wants you to draw a workman-someone to drive the trash truck."  Connor is hilarious-he can't say words with r's in the middle of them, but he can say stuff like red and spider just fine.  After daddy said, workman several times as he drew, Connor was carefully trying to say workman.  "You daw me a wok-man, a wo-ok man."  "Close enough."

*Over the weekend we hung up the Pooh border for Chloe's room.  "I play in Chloe room?"  "Yes you can play in Chloe's room."  "I run?"  "No the railings aren't up yet, so please stay in Chloe's room."  "I want to jump off."  "No, you'll get very hurt.  I'll take you downstairs if you want to go down."  "No, I stay up."

*Last week Connor and I put together the baby swing.  Once it was together I asked him to get me his teddy bear.  He came back with an elephant pillow.  I put it in the swing and turned it on.  He ran back into the room and brought me his teddy bear, so we swapped the elephant for the bear.  Then he brought me another teddy bear.  They shared the swing.  "You push it higher mommy?"  "You don't push this swing, like the outdoor ones, you push a number and it goes fast or slow."  "You make it go fast?"  "This is what it looks like going fast."  "You make it go slow?"  "This is the slowest it goes.  It also plays sounds like your wave machine, or it plays music."  I showed him the different sounds it made.  He played with the buttons for a few minutes and then snuggled up underneath and fell asleep.  We had errands to run with daddy, so I woke him up.  Later in the day I tried getting him to take a nap and he refused.  I said he could lay out by the swing and we could turn on the music for him.  "No, noise."  He promptly laid down under the swing and fell asleep.

*Today while eating dinner at grandma and grandpa's house, Connor announced that he was done and wanted to get down.  "Daddy I want out, Daddy I want out, Daddy I want out."  After being told to sit and finish his corn, he responded, "Peter I want out!"  We had a hard time keeping a straight face. 

*Later this evening while eating ice cream- "Daddy you want ice cream?  Daddy go get ice cream."  Daddy said he didn't want any ice cream, he said he would share with mommy, but Connor kept insisting that daddy goes to get ice cream.   Then he said, "Daddy hop off your chair and get some ice cream."  The rest of us couldn't stop laughing. 

*On Monday I took Connor with me to the DMV and told him if he was extra good we could go buy a toy from the store.  "I want a dump truck and a digger."  "You can have one toy."  "I want a dump truck and a digger."  After the above conversation was repeated over and over again, he finally decided that the dump truck was cooler.  So we brought that home.  He loves it.  Here he fell asleep amongst a ton of baby clothes that I was sorting.  He found the shoes and loaded them up.
 Today we ran errands and didn't get in a normal nap.  He got a 20 minute nap on the way to switch out cars at the repair shop, then he got in about 30 minutes on the floor.  I woke him up to go to grandma and grandpa's house.  He insisted the dump truck was to go with him.  Then he went back to sleep in the 3 minute car ride from our house to grandma and grandpa's house.
We love this little guy!

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