Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spider in the pants!

Guess who found a spider in their pants today? I'll give you a hint...I was playing on the computer when I heard what sounded like a scream and jumping up and down coming from upstairs. Do you know who it was? Perhaps this older spider story will bring back memories. Did you figure it out?

Peter was changing out of his church clothes and into a pair of pants. He had one leg in, was going for the second leg when a spider scurried out from where his pants were lying. At which point he is convinced there must be more. He screams and jumps up and down while trying to get the pants off, while the terrified spider tries to take cover. He eventually gets the pants off and then starts smacking the spider with the pants.

He came downstairs and announced that we needed to vacuum. He squished the spider and left the remains on the floor.


Kira said...

um ... sounds like me if I ever find an 8 legged critter anywhere near me!

Lisa said...

Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha! What a great way to start my day off :D

Ellen said...

i would die. simple as. spiders are evil!