Sunday, April 5, 2009


Last night Peter checked the mail and came back annoyed. Our stupid HOA has sent us another nasty letter. Our first violation was when we drilled into the stucco to hang our wind chime. Mind you the letter described our wind chime in someone had a set of binoculars or something and were trying to figure out how we were in violation of the rules. It's a little creepy if you ask me.

Peter: "Stupid HOA."

So we took down our wooden elephant wind chime for a little while, then got a chain from Home Depot and drilled into the wood that's about two feet higher in the same location. We hung the chain and then connected the wind chime to the chain. Ta Da problem solved!

Peter: "Stupid HOA."

So that brings us back to last night and our second nasty letter from the stupid HOA. It said that we were in violation of yet another stupid rule. "It was noted on a recent property inspection that the plants on the balcony hanging from the common area and from the stucco wall need to be removed. You may not be aware that this is in non-compliance with your Association's governing documents." Now let us first announce that our plants are in window boxes and they are hanging on the stucco wall, they are not drilled into the stucco. Not to mention that the plants have been like this for nearly two years and when we first got the nasty note about the wind chime, the plants were up at that time and nobody bothered to tell us then that we were in violation. So am I a little peeved....YES!!!! STUPID HOA!!!!!!!!!

Peter: "Stupid HOA."

So they want me to remove my window sure, fine, I'll comply only because I don't want to be fined....However, I have married an engineer and boy am I glad...We're going to build little tables for our boxes to sit on, so they will be able to stay in their exact location. HA! Take that HOA!

Peter: "*&%$$$#@!!!*%#@! HOA!"

Mind you this is the same organization we pay a monthly fee to. Glad to know the money is going to good use :P

This is a G rated blog...we had to edit it a bit before posting.


Kadee said...

That sounds like an episode of Fraiser

Linda said...

I'm hoping to avoid HOAs forever. I think they're evil and controlling and they creep me out.

melissa @ 1lbr said...

I enjoyed a good laugh at this post. I hope never to face the wrath of the HOA.

Rebecca Fallentine said...

Go for passive aggressive! That is LAME! Your flowers bring beauty to the whole complex. You should charge them for the beauty they bring! :)

Ellen said...

what the heck?! all that over your beautiful flowers and yet no fines for the gross people who don't think they have to pick up after their dogs? screwed up!

Lisa said...

That's why when we bought a house we didn't buy one where we had to pay HOA's. Renting a house in a HOA area was enough for us!

Fred ... said...

Such language.

I'm with Peter, stupid HOA's!!!

Karina said...

haha! I love that story! We hate our HOA too...and what a coincidence...we have the same HOA! We got in trouble for our satellite dish last year. and ps....DON'T take down your beautiful flowers!! I love looking at them!